Archivo de la categoría: Dtective mystery book

Leewood 8th Grade Students Review my Novel

Last October 22 second I visited Jessica Rebhan´s 8th Grade Journalist Class as Leewood School and had a very rewarding experience with her students. The Miracle of Saint Lazarus has some very strong passages, but they were very mature in … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Detective Mystery, Dtective mystery book, Female detective | 3 comentarios

Entrevista sobre The Miracle of Saint Lazarus

Gracias a Teresa Dovalpage por esta entrevista publicada en Cubanecuentro Uva de Aragón: La escritura en la sangre Entrevista a la narradora, ensayista y profesora universitaria que reside en Miami Teresa Dovalpage, New Mexico | 04/10/2019 Uva de Aragón (La … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Actividades académicas, Actividades culturales, Críticas literarias, Cubanoamericanos, Cubanos famosos, Detective Mystery, Diáspora cubana, Dtective mystery book, Female detective, Libros cubanos, Literatura latinoamericana, Miami, Mis libros, Mujeres cubanas, Vida en Estados Unidos | Deja un comentario

About The Miracle of Saint Lazarus

A dead man. A missing baby. A few shadowy characters. And a mother who has never stopped looking for her daughter. With these elements Uva de Aragón builds a fast-faced novel that has a strong sense of place (you’ll feel … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Actividades culturales, Actualidad norteamericana, Críticas literarias, Cubanoamericanos, Detective Mystery, Diáspora cubana, Dtective mystery book, Female detective, Libros cubanos, Literatura, Literatura latinoamericana, Miami, Mis libros, Religión, Vida de la escritora, Vida en Estados Unidos | Deja un comentario

The Miracle of Saint Lazarus. A Mystery Twenty Years in the Making

I just finished revising the final proofs of my detective mystery book coming out October 15. I realized for the first time that the story includes some very current topics such as the life of immigrants in the United States- … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Actividades culturales, Actualidad norteamericana, Cubanoamericanos, Detective Mystery, Diáspora cubana, Dtective mystery book, Female detective, Libros cubanos, Literatura, Miami, Mujeres cubanas, Vida de la escritora, Vida en Estados Unidos, Violencia | Deja un comentario